A Word From Leadership — The Second Presbyterian Church Foundation

A Word from Leadership

It is a joy for all of us to witness this influence for Christ that these outreaches are accomplishing.
— Rick Moore
George Robertson Senior Pastor

George Robertson
Senior Pastor

Guided by Scripture, committed to spreading the Gospel, and accountable to the Church of Jesus Christ, the Second Presbyterian Church Foundation is an important tool by which Christians can strategically multiply the effectiveness of their giving. The smallest gift joined to many others will bear fruit worldwide. The compound interest gained by accumulating many gifts in one Foundation has the potential to make a significantly more dramatic impact for Christ in Memphis and throughout the world.

I am privileged to lead a church where God is making such a name for himself through the outsized generosity we are able to bring to gospel-centered causes through the Second Presbyterian Foundation.

George Robertson
Senior Pastor, Second Presbyterian Church

Rick Moore Board Chairman

Rick Moore
Board Chairman

It is a privilege and honor to serve with all of you in the work of Second Presbyterian Church Foundation. Your vision and generosity have made possible numerous opportunities to encourage, initiate, continue and preserve Gospel missions at home and around the world. The Board serves as stewards of your gifts and seeks ways to wisely use those gifts to further the Kingdom.

Through this partnership, we have been able to establish long-term, ongoing relationships while also creating new endeavors. The same can be said regarding ministries in the Memphis area as well.

It is a joy for all of us to witness this influence for Christ that these outreaches are accomplishing.

There are innumerable possibilities where we can have influence in spreading the Gospel to those who have never heard it and to keep encouraging those who are constantly doing Kingdom work.

The Board will mindfully continue to preserve and enhance the assets that have been given to the Foundation so that it can reach even more people, in more places. Thank you for your support.

Rick Moore
Foundation Board Chairman

Vicki Simmons
Executive Director

On May 17, 1998 the congregation of Second Presbyterian Church, with a unanimous vote, established this Foundation for the purpose of providing a structure for funding future strategic ministry initiatives of our church and to allow our members opportunities to make current or deferred gifts for the accomplishment of such, with the added support of income earned on those gifts. Subsequently, a Realty Foundation was established to specifically manage gifts of real property.

With amazement, we can rejoice over the $30 million that has been deployed over the 23-year life of the Foundation. That represents an investment of the Gospel in five of the seven continents that can never be destroyed. With expectancy, we are hopeful regarding the additional $32 million that God has chosen to entrust to us to be stewarded.

I encourage you to take the opportunity to learn more about your Foundation by exploring this website. In it you will find information related to how the Foundation is structured; where the money goes - including scholarships, internships and missions; and a wide variety of options on how to participate through your charitable gifts. Most of all you will see and hear the very tangible impact on the lives of people.

If I can assist you with your questions regarding any issue related to any aspect of either Foundation, you can contact me at vicki.simmons@2pc.org.

Vicki Simmons
Foundation Executive Director


Sandy Willson Founding Pastor

Sandy Willson
Founding Pastor

I am profoundly grateful for the Second Presbyterian Foundation—for those who helped establish it, those who have served and given in the past, and all those who are participating in the present. The purpose in the establishment of it was to create a mechanism to encourage long-term financial stewardship in order to advance the Kingdom of God here in Memphis and around the world. In my opinion it has been wildly successful.

The keys to a successful missional foundation have all been put into place and thus into the ongoing operations: godly and competent board members, a charter that guarantees independent and strategic decision-making in the years to come, an aggressive vision to minister to the city and the world, solid financial advisors, and many partners, like you, who pray and give and serve for God’s glory.

We are making a difference for Christ’s Kingdom in South Africa and Argentina, in Jakarta and China, in The Netherlands and Greece, and in the neighborhoods of Memphis, including Downtown, Alcy Ball, and Bartlett.

There is yet much work to be done in reaching the lost and the left behind both in this city and also in many countries of the world. One billion people in our world still struggle on less than $1 per day. Thirty thousand children die every day of starvation and easily preventable diseases. More than 2 billion people in 6,500 distinct ethno-linguistic groups still have no access to a Christian believer in their culture.

I can only encourage you to join the growing number of people who are using the 2PC Foundation for giving through a variety of current and deferred ways. You do not have to be a member of Second Presbyterian Church to participate. You only need to be a person who wants all of your life’s resources to be spent wisely for the Kingdom.

We, by God’s grace, have been given a rare opportunity to reach out with the love of Jesus to the poor and the lost of our world. So it is a joy to invite you to join Allison and me by placing the Second Presbyterian Foundation in your will or by giving special gifts for their strategic projects.

Sandy Willson
Foundation Founding Senior Pastor