Dear Friends,
In 1998 several of our devoted members established the Second Presbyterian Church Foundation as a mechanism to encourage long-term financial stewardship for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God in Memphis and around the world. Over the past sixteen years, their vision has been growing into a beautiful reality. The keys to a successful missional foundation are all in place: godly and competent board members, a charter that guarantees independent and strategic decision-making in the years to come, an aggressive vision to minister to the city and the world, solid financial advisors, and many partners (like you) who pray and give and serve for Gods glory.
The Foundation has grown from $3 million to more than $25 million in assets. These funds are making a difference for Christ in Cambodia, Ukraine, India, Argentina, China, Western Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. They have helped support the creation of the Memphis Center for Urban Theological Studies, the Shalom Project, NEXUS, and many urban gospel projects in Memphis, including our Hispanic outreach efforts. The Foundation carefully coordinates its efforts with the Second Presbyterian World Missions and Mission Memphis Committees, thus wisely mobilizing other gifts and our members personal involvement. I have seen first hand the effective work being done by the Second Presbyterian Foundation here and around the world, and I am moved with gratitude for all those saints who have given sacrificially and for all those who have strategically planned their estates in order to advance the Kingdom of God. You are making a difference.
There is yet much work to be done in reaching the lost and the left behind both in this city and among the most vulnerable people in our world. It is a joy for me to invite you to join Allison and me by placing the Second Presbyterian Foundation in your will or by giving special gifts for their strategic projects. You do not need to be a member of Second Presbyterian Church to participate. You only need to be a person who wants all of your lifes resources to be spent wisely for the Kingdom.
Yours for His glory,
Sandy Willson
Former Senior Minister