Do you need practical, useful and not overly technical information about relevant estate planning issues so that you can begin to order your estate or revisit your current plans due to changes in law or the passage of time?
Great news! This fall you will have an opportunity to get this information as part of a free six-session MidWeek class in the comfortable and familiar setting of our church. The class, entitled "Basics of Personal Finance and Estate Planning," will focus on issues surrounding financial responsibility for today’s Christian family.
The purpose of the last two sessions, which will be held on November 7 and 14, is to present ways for those attending to plan their family’s affairs in such ways that will avoid undesired financial, legal, and tax problems, and to clearly explain the vehicles that provide solutions to their goals. Local attorneys with expertise in these fields will conduct the sessions.
November 7th Session
This session is designed to provide a basic understanding of legal terms and the purpose of legal documents so that attendees may be conversant with their professional advisors and make informed decisions.
Topics covered include:
Powers of Attorney
Basic Federal and Tennessee Estate Planning
Living Wills
Lifetime Gifts and Transfers
November 14th Session
This powerful presentation is designed to identify the key issues surrounding estate planning and in doing so, educate and motivate attendees to take appropriate action.
Topics covered include:
The changing world of estate planning and taxes – things you need to know
Estate planning challenges every family must face
Top 10 mistakes most families make
Brief history of the death tax and where it is going
Issues Congress must confront
How assets pass at death
Issues we must confront as we get older
Be on the look out for the entire six-week description in the fall MidWeek brochure soon. You don’t want to miss this series!