Gifting Memorials to Give Gospel Life

Did you know that giving a memorial or an honorarium is a meaningful, thoughtful, and simple act that can be used strategically to advance the gospel?

When you choose to memorialize or honor a friend or family member through the Foundation, you have chosen an effective way to give by leveraging a small amount of money which cumulatively reaps a large impact. This strategy is yet another way in which individual amounts are pooled and invested, resulting in the spread of the Gospel.  

Memorials and honorariums are a way to easily support our church’s Foundation at any level. It is also easy to do. Gifts of any amount may be made by check or by accessing the Foundation’s web page at and clicking on the “Give a Memorial” button at the bottom of the home screen. You can also scroll to the bottom of this page and click the “Give a Memorial” button. In either case, simply let us know:

  • who the gift is in memory or honor of

  • who to send an acknowledgement to 

  • whether the gift is designated or undesignated

Most memorials or honorariums are undesignated as to their use. This means that the interest earned from the Undesignated Fund is used in perpetuity to annually support significant grants that are made in the three arenas of Christian Leadership Development, World Outreach, and Domestic Outreach. 

However, you can designate to which Foundation fund you would like your gift to be made. For instance, if you feel or the person being recognized felt strongly about world missions, you could designate your fund toward the Gospel’s global advance. Any Foundation fund may receive gifts of this nature. Some of the designated funds that most often receive these sorts of gifts are the Willson Church Planting Fund; the T. Russell Seminarian Fund; the Burch World Missions Fund; and the Meredith Fox Scholarship Fund. You can learn about the various designated funds through the website’s FUNDation STRONG page, which lists the funds and explores the history, purpose, and results of each one.

Since the Foundation was established in 1998, a total of $427,570 in undesignated memorials have been made. Additionally, various amounts of memorials have been made to a variety of designated funds. That represents thousands of individuals, both church members and nonmembers, whose contributions have been harnessed and utilized to bear fruit. 

An option exists for those desiring a permanent memorial to ensure lasting remembrance of a spouse, relative, or dear friend and to further Christ’s work. Gifts have a range of commitment levels for the donor and are based on what the donor desires to achieve should a memorial be established. If you would like to discuss a potential gift to the Foundation for this purpose, contact Vicki Simmons at (901) 454-0034, ext. 193 or