Seth Harkins, Executive Director of Alcy Ball Development Corporation, distributing food boxes with resident volunteers
The following grants were made during this last fiscal year. They include grants from the undesignated fund and many designated funds. Additionally, grants were made to eligible ministries from donor advised funds.
Home Missions
NCC College Scholarships $ 86,780
Memphis City Seminary $ 55,000
Esperanza $ 50,000
Downtown Church $ 45,000
Covenant Family Church $ 40,000
All Souls Church $ 29,640
Christian Psychological Center $ 16,000
Alcy Ball Development Corporation $ 1,000
World Missions
2PC World Missions $135,385
Campus Outreach Serve – Greece $ 50,000
The Grace Institute – Ecuador $ 50,000
Intercultural Church Planting Network – Netherlands $ 35,000
Westminster Theological Conference $ 15,000
Christian Leadership Development
Seminarian Scholarships $172,097
Youth Internships $ 59,000
Pastoral Internships $ 61,000
Presbyterian Day School Scholarships $ 11,900
PDS Young Scholars Program $ 11,235
Evangelical Christian School Scholarships $ 13,950
Children’s Music Ministry $ 10,000
Fellows Program and Scholarships $ 10,375
Music Ministry Internships $ 9,986
Music Scholarships $ 4,500
Conservatory Scholarships $ 2,020
Library $ 1,554
French Camp Academy Scholarships $ 5,040
Visible Music College Scholarships $ 3,460
Family Camp Scholarships $ 375
Subtotal $ 985,297
Donor Advised Grants $ 538,800
TOTAL $1,524,097