Smoky and Carolyn Russell
Smoky and Carolyn Russell joined Second in 1980. Smoky graduated from Southwestern College (now Rhodes) in 1956. As a freshman, he joined the United States Marine Corp Reserve. Upon graduation he was commissioned as an officer in the USMC and served several years on active duty before returning to Memphis where he continued to serve in the Marine Corp Reserve for a number of years. His vocational calling was to the life and health insurance business, where he served for 40 years. For 30 of those years he was a general agent of the Memphis agency for Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company.
At Second, he served as both deacon and then elder for many years. Joining the Foundation Board in the 2003-04 year, he faithfully served the Foundation on the Board; Stewardship, Administrative, Nominations, and Executive Committees; and as Chairman of the Board.
In 2009, following the economic crisis, he skillfully established and directed an Ad Hoc Investment committee to oversee the refinement of the structure of the Investment Committee as well as the Investment Committee Policy, which remains in place today and has served the Foundation well.
On a more humorous note, in 2007 Smoky was asked as a member of the Stewardship Committee to look into the development of a website. After his acceptance, he took a blank piece of paper, wrote WEB-SITE at the top of it, and passed it around the table with the disclaimer, “This is everything I know about websites.” What an example of his humble and willing leadership.
Smoky and Carolyn parented three daughters: Sharon and Wise Jones; Sophia and Rick Bollinger; and Sally and Phil Halle. There are eight grandchildren and ten great grandchildren.
While Carolyn has since gone on to be in the presence of the Lord, she was an enthusiastic supporter of the Foundation in many ways, including her support of Smoky as he invested many hours in the Kingdom work of the Foundation.
Hear Smoky give his observations about the Foundation.
While there is much to be said about the performance and results of the Second Presbyterian Church Foundation, with limited space available, it seems best to focus on only one of the Foundation’s outstanding strengths and characteristics: The dedicated and steadfast Foundation Board members.
The makeup of the Board includes 2PC members who are female and male, old and young, with various biases, and various life perspectives. Yet, all are Christ centered Christians. Early on in their tenure on the Board they fully understand and jointly dedicate themselves to the mission of the Foundation, “Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Memphis, our Country, and around the world.” Their decisions and recommendations are made together in harmony assuring that grants only go to individuals, ministries, and missionaries that have the potential to lead unbelievers to eternal salvation, as well as supporting God’s adopted children.
Not only are the Board members good stewards of the Foundation funds, they provide intelligent and careful leadership along with the Foundation Investment Committee that has managed an average annual rate of return of 8.2% on Foundation assets over the past 22 years. Phenomenal, indeed!
Equally as phenomenal is the Board’s superb management of the Foundation’s gifts and grants over the past 22 years. Starting with approximately $3,000,000, the Foundation’s assets have grown to a total of $26,936,647 as of 6/30/20. This has been accomplished while making grants of $29,815,000 over the same period of time. Amazing!
Then finally there is the heart and accountability of the Board members. They invest themselves in learning about the people and purpose of the ministries supported by the Foundation. They learn and evaluate the mind, heart, and love of God of the ministries supported. They hold each ministry or individual supported accountable to guarantee assurance of the Foundation’s mission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The results and achievements of the Foundation Board members is a visible testimony to the glorious way our great God has prospered the 2PC Foundation. To God be the glory!
For those who love Jesus, His redemptive plan and abundant grace, the Foundation offers numerous methods for your faithful and generous giving. Whatever method you choose, you can be assured your gift will spread the Gospel of Jesus now, and for many years into the future.